About RISE
It's the next generation of energy research for the next generation of happiness.
- 2023.07
- 2019.04
- Prof. Kwanghee Lee took office as the 5th director
- 2015.11
- 제4대 연구소장 장재형 교수 취임
- 2012.12
- 차세대에너지연구소' 명칭 변경
- 2012.10
- Prof. Kwanghee Lee took office as the 3th director
- 2012.05
- Renewable Energy Research Building was completed
- 2011.02
- Prof. Sung-joo Park took office as the 2th director
- 2010.03
- Renewable Energy Research Building was started construction
- 2009.06
- Heeger Center for Advanced Materials(HCAM) and
Ertl Centerfor Electrochemistry andCatalysis(Ertl Center)
was affiliated to the RISE
- 2009.02
- Research Institute for Solar and Sustainable Energies(RISE) established Prof. Seunghyeon Moon took office as the first director